How Astrology Is a Tool to Live a Better Life

Most people will first get into Astrology for discovering their birth chart, and understanding themselves better…

Which is exactly how it started for me! And after years of study, I started realizing how it had such a depth to actually improve someone’s life in many more ways than we think - and potentially on a life changing level.

There are 3 main ways that Astrology can be used as a tool to live a better life - to feel and act more confidently, to relate and adapt to relationships, and to get better results in your achievements.

1) To improve CONFIDENCE

The great philosopher Socrates said “The key to wisdom starts with knowing thyself.

When you are aware of who you are, you are able to better show up in all areas of life - because you show up with confidence and assertiveness. You know how to express yourself, and speak your needs with confidence and authenticity. You have awareness of what is you, and what isn't you. You're not trying to be someone else, or trying to live by society's standards.

Diving into your astrology chart can help you understand yourself in ways that you may not have otherwise - and place that awareness into words that then allow you to express it into the world!


Imagine how valuable it would be for you to be able to understand the people around you on a deeper level? If you could understand why they are the way they are, and where you have differences that might bring tension or conflicts? Then, you could acknowledge that you speak a different language, and it would help you feel more compassionate with them, and adapt where necessary.

Whether it’s on a romantic, friendship, professional, or familial level… Astrology can provide powerful insights for your relationships. Similar to when you do personality tests… but this time, it’s funded in who you are born as (and it can provide much deeper details).

3) To improve your results in your ACHIEVEMENTS

Let’s say you planned to host a barbecue in your backyard with your friends next Saturday and you DIDN’T look at the weather forecast before. Now we are the morning of, and turns out… it’s raining all day. 😥 That would pretty much ruin your plans, right?

Now let’s say you DID look at the weather forecast, and planned your Barbecue for a warm and sunny day, with 0% chance of rain, and that turned out to be an amazing time 😎… Now, we would qualify this as a success!

Using the Astrology forecast to plan out your personal and professional life to get the best possible results is the exact same principle. It can help providing insights on when is the best time to focus on certain things, make a move, start a new project, etc.

The 5th Hermetic principle is the universal Law of Rhythm, which dictates that everything in the universe flows, everything has cycle, everything has ups and downs.

Astrology is the code of the Law of Rhythm and can help you align with the flow of energy and ride the wave, rather than working against it.

There are many other ways that Astrology can be used to live a better, but this is (in my experience and the way I have chosen to use it) the main ways that it can create life-changing improvements.

I’ve often heard from my clients that Astrology has provided them with peace of mind, understanding, confirmation, and reassurance.

Overall, Astrology can help you gain CLARITY. It is here to help place a finger on problems that you may not have spotted otherwise, and make your life clearer and simpler by knowing about it. Because now that you have your finger on it, it’s way easier to find solutions, and act accordingly.

To learn more about this, listen to my Podcast episode where I expand on the different methods and practices to use Astrology for each of the topics I mentioned in this article.


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